Dictionnaire des menaces contemporaines, de leur prévention et de leur traitement : français-anglais, anglais-français. Vol. 2. English-French. Dictionary of current threats, of the ways to prevent them and of the ways to deal with them : French-Engl - Jean-Claude Laloire

Dictionnaire des menaces contemporaines, de leur prévention et de leur traitement : français-anglais, anglais-français. Vol. 2. English-French. Dictionary of current threats, of the ways to prevent them and of the ways to deal with them : French-Engl

Jean-Claude Laloire

L'Harmattan | juin 2014
66.50 €
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

Dictionary of current threats of the ways to prevent them and of the ways to deal with them

Part 2


This bilingual dictionary devoted to current threats includes all kinds of threats, either inside the home country (homeland security) or outside of it. Beyond words and phrases required to describe them, it also includes all the vocabulary necessary to prevent them and to deal with them.

This terminology is useful both to operate within a national framework and within an international framework (coalitions, UNO, NATO).

This dictionary includes more than 17 000 words and phrases in English and in French. It also includes about 9 000 English acronyms and 2 400 French ones.


Cet ouvrage bilingue reprend la terminologie employée dans le cadre de menaces intérieures ou extérieures à un territoire, pour les décrire, mais aussi les prévenir et les traiter. ©Electre 2024


Date de parution
20 juin 2014
Science militaire
Jean-Marc Journot (Préfacier)
Nombre de pages
798 pages
24.0 cm x 16.0 cm x 4.3 cm
1210 g