The global issue of land grabbing : land bubble or development opportunity ? : interviews with Charlotte Castan - Gérard Chouquer

The global issue of land grabbing : land bubble or development opportunity ? : interviews with Charlotte Castan

Gérard Chouquer , Charlotte Castan (Interviewer)

Publi-Topex | mai 2012
7.60 €
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Paris VIᵉ, Paris VIIIᵉ, Paris XVIIᵉ, Paris Vᵉ
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

Since the Madagascan scandal of 2008, global public opinion has become deeply aware of the increasingly significant land sales that have resulted in millions of hectares of land in developing countries passing into foreign hands. The issue has become known as land grabbing. In this book of interviews conducted by Charlotte Castan, Gérard Chouquer provides the keys to understanding the global issue of land grabbing

Based on a close relationship between initiating countries operating through companies and hedge funds, host countries offering up supposedly vacant lands for sale, and international institutions acting as guarantors, a « new triangular trade » has emerged in which land has become the key object of trade. Recent land concessions have paved the way for a new geography of land ownership. This book aims to locate and to examine the dynamics of land grabbing, viewed as an opportunity or a threat.


Les acquisitions massives de terres des pays en développement par des étrangers s'apparentent au commerce triangulaire dont la terre est l'objet. Ces concessions ouvrent la porte à une nouvelle géographie du foncier. Entre opportunité et menace, l'ouvrage tente de situer cette dynamique au plus juste. ©Electre 2024


Date de parution
24 mai 2012
François Mazuyer (Préfacier), Robert Reay-Jones (Traducteur)
Nombre de pages
64 pages
24.0 cm x 18.0 cm x cm