Polieri, creator of modern scenography : exposition, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, site de Richelieu, 11 juin-15 août 2002
Versailles, Lyon 2ᵉ, Lyon 6ᵉ...
Ce que dit l'éditeurFounder with Le Corbusier of the Festivals of Avant-Garde Art, Jacques Polieri is also the remarkable stage-director for works by Mallarmé, Kafka, Schnitzler, Pirandello, Kandinsky, Miró, Atlan, lonesco, Beckett, Tardieu, Butor, Arrabal, Faye, etc. His achievements range from the most abstract (the staging of Mallarmé's Le Livre) to the most media-conscious (communication games on a planetary scale). Since 1980 he has produced a series of" multimedia" spectacles complemented by intercontinental videotransmissions (computer-generated images projected onto huge screens, holograms, etc.). The creator of a modern style of scenography, he has designed revolutionary theatrical locations (in particular a theatre with annular stages for the Maison de la culture in Grenoble in 1968, the theatre of total movement for the Osaka World Fair in 1970, and video communication games for a leisure street at the Munich Olympic Games in 1972). A theoretician, he has published, among other works, Scénographie, Editions Aujourd'hui, Scénographielsémiographie, Editions Denoël, Jeu(x) de communication, Editions Denoël. His designs and research cover the broad audio-visual domain and the "setting in space" of acts of fiction. His projects for Internet, or for other network systems, call into question many prevailing ideas and challenge fundamental concepts regarding the nature and location of "performances". |
RésuméPrésente l'oeuvre de Jacques Polieri qui a éprouvé toutes les possibilités que lui proposait l'espace de représentation. La mobilité le conduit à décliner des types de salle, dissymétrique, mobile, mobile annulaire, mouvement tridimensionnel ou total, puis passe d'un art mécanique à un art électronique. Avec des maquettes de spectacles et de lieux théâtraux. ©Electre 2025 |
Caractéristiques Éditeur(s) Date de parution
5 juillet 2002
Spectacle, cinéma
Contributeur(s) EAN
Nombre de pages
cm x
cm x