Elements of rhythmology. Vol. 5. A rythmic constellation : the 1980s - Pascal Michon

Elements of rhythmology. Vol. 5. A rythmic constellation : the 1980s

Pascal Michon

Rhuthmos | décembre 2021
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Ce que dit l'éditeur


In 1980, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari published what would become their most famous book : A Thousand Plateaus : Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Respectable in size and featuring a colorful array of new concepts, it was at times obscure and confusing, but things start to lighten up when one follows the rhythmic, or better yet, the rhuthmic thread and compare it with other contemporary works.

As a matter of fact, in the previous volume of this series, we observed that a remarkable constellation of thinkers interested in rhythm had formed in the 1970s, Through a series of notable essays, Lefebvre, Foucault, Benveniste, Barthes, Serres and Morin had strongly called into question the metric perspective, which had spread widely in Western culture from the nineteenth century, and, at least for the last four of them, had suggested replacing it with entirely new rhuthmic worldviews.

The objective of this volume is to analyze the particular contribution of Deleuze and Guattari to this new trend, but also the elements which ultimately hindered its further development.


Dans ce volume, le philosophe analyse la contribution de G. Deleuze et F. Guattari à la compréhension du phénomène rythmique telle qu'elle ressort en particulier de Mille plateaux, le second volume de Capitalisme et schizophrénie. Il compare également les concepts élaborés par les deux penseurs à d'autres travaux des années 1980. ©Electre 2024


Date de parution
10 décembre 2021
Philosophie, éthique
Nombre de pages
441 pages
22.0 cm x 14.0 cm x 2.5 cm