A little lean guide for the use of managers - Cécile Roche

A little lean guide for the use of managers

Cécile Roche

L'Harmattan | avril 2015
13.77 €
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

In a world in permanent crisis, where change is the norm, Lean becomes fashionable. It's quite fun for an approach that has over sixty years... But it's also an opportunity to hear a lot of misconceptions about it. Sometimes it is adorned with all virtues, and sold as a ready-to-use wand, now it is accused of all evils, guilty of serving the very short-term financial interests.

Yet, companies who have chosen to fundamentally transform it self, following the Lean principles and investing first on women and men, have, globally, and in the long term, the best economic results.

But becoming lean, that's another thing to make (or worse, to delegate!) Lean.

This book, with simple concepts and illustrated with many examples, analyzes the main misconceptions about Lean, taking each time the views of managers and operational concerned. It illuminates the point of view of different experts on the subject, by showing the complementarities of these approaches.

This is a simple and comprehensive guide to understand Lean as an approach, beyond the use of the most popular, (or more mysterious) tools, decked out not always well-understood acronyms (5S, VSM, Kaizen...).


Fondé sur de nombreux exemples, ce guide décrit le lean management à travers ses idées reçues et détaille les éléments essentiels qui favorisent la réussite. L'auteure propose un parcours de progrès en plusieurs étapes, montrant comment ce système d'organisation du travail peut permettre à l'entreprise d'atteindre une meilleure performance. ©Electre 2025


Date de parution
13 avril 2015
Management lean
Gestion d'entreprise
Jacques Chaize (Préfacier)
Nombre de pages
115 pages
22.0 cm x 14.0 cm x 0.7 cm
155 g