Hospital management : the manager's guide - Hédi Guelmani

Hospital management : the manager's guide

Hédi Guelmani

Management et société | juillet 2023
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

Hospital Management

The manager's guide

The question of the management of clinics is becoming increasingly important as a result of a combination of factors :

  • the ageing of the population ;
  • the limitations of the public hospital sector ;
  • regulatory changes in the sector ;
  • increasing investment needs.

This book proposes a managerial and academic approach to hospital management, particularly in the private health sector, through the study of the private clinic, an entity that is little known and underresearched in management sciences.

Combining qualitative and quantitative studies of the three main actors in a clinic : manager, doctor and patient, the author develops an organisational model for the private clinic.

The aim is to generate innovative ideas and working tools as part of an analysis and research framework.

The book will be useful to all directors and managers of health care facilities, because :

  • it addresses the issue of performance of private clinics with regard to their internal management ;
  • it uses mixed qualitative and quantitative data which facilitates the generalisation of results and managerial recommendations ;
  • it offers a double perspective, both conceptual and managerial, provided by its author.


Afin de répondre aux questions que se pose un manager de clinique, cet ouvrage décrit les stratégies, les modes et les outils organisationnels ainsi que la gestion des ressources humaines au sein d'une structure de soins privée. ©Electre 2025


Date de parution
27 juillet 2023
Business science institute
Problèmes et services sociaux
Michel Kalika (Préfacier)
Nombre de pages
109 pages
22.0 cm x 14.0 cm x 1.0 cm
166 g

Du même auteur : Hédi Guelmani