Shakespeare in Canada : a journey into the Canadian soul - Elisa Tordella

Shakespeare in Canada : a journey into the Canadian soul

Elisa Tordella

L'Harmattan, AGA editrice | février 2019
23.75 €
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Ce que dit l'éditeur


Shakespeare in Canada. A Journey into the Canadian Soul is a literary journey through novels and theatrical plays that have contributed to re-shaping the Canadian sense of identity from the Confederations Poets to the contemporary period. Historical, philosophical, postcolonial, and multi-cultural theories constitute the socio-cultural substratum for the new time and place coordinates within which the identitarian issue can be better explored. The role of language in its written and oral forms, as well as in the silences of the untold stories, the role of the half-breed, and of women considered as part of those ethnic minority groups that form the neglected and silenced Other, the evolution of the concept of history and belonging are some of the issues this book deals with. The re-making of a Canadian myth and canon by re-appropriating Shakespeare and the native traditions are essential in a re-reading and re-shaping of a sense of Canadianness which takes into consideration all its different yet equally important components.


Une étude explorant les sources littéraires qui ont contribué à redéfinir la notion d'identité canadienne, de l'influence de Shakespeare jusqu'aux auteurs contemporains en passant par les poètes de la Confédération. L'auteure évalue le rôle du langage, celui des femmes issues des minorités ainsi que l'évolution du concept d'histoire et d'appartenance pour proposer une relecture de la canadianité. ©Electre 2025


Date de parution
25 février 2019
Littérature généralités
Giovanni Dotoli (Préfacier)
Nombre de pages
300 pages
21.0 cm x 14.0 cm x 1.6 cm
540 g

Du même auteur : Elisa Tordella