Tell me, do wings grow back ? : a journey inside. Dis, est-ce que ça repousse les ailes ? - Brigitte Jacques

Tell me, do wings grow back ? : a journey inside. Dis, est-ce que ça repousse les ailes ?

Brigitte Jacques

BC Jacques édition | décembre 2014
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

« ... If a night, stars take over for the sun it is so that hope will not be extinguished... »

« In all suffering there is a path that leads towards spring, he said with an infinite tenderness.
I sensed then that before coming to land near me, he had journeyed from afar.
I sensed then that he was offering me the gift of his landscapes. »

Although reminiscent of « The Little Prince », this book is more immediate and poetic. The dialogue between the white bird and the little girl is a marvel in its choice of words, and in its delicate nuance... a moment of serenity
Jacques Mercier (Brussels)
La Libre Belgique

A vibrant message of hope, that hovers between meditation and wisdom... whose resonance lingers in our hearts long after the book has been closed. I have no doubt that its singular music will gradually wend its way around the world
Nathalie Lacube (Paris)
La Croix

A treasure of hope and expectation, a gentle and inspiring work to whisper into the ears of those whom we yearn to fly to their heights
Adrienne Nizet (Brussels)

Everyone can rediscover their own « landscapes » through those of this radiant and pithy little book...
Geo Longrée (Verviers)

Brigitte Jacques, is Belgian and lives in Heusy (province of Liege.)

She adores Paris and travels there often to visit her two daughters.

The author of this tale also holds a deep passion for photography and story-telling.

Slightly unconventional, even fantastical, her eyes gaze towards the heavens, but her feet remain firmly on the ground.

She loves travel, meeting people, sharing experiences good and bad, large and small, taking risks, watching her children laugh, and... sleeping under the stars with her grandchildren !

Her favourite words :

  • tenderness, light, wander, empathy and elan.

Her fondest memories and emotions related to this book include :

  • the moving correspondence she receives from reader
  • sharing ideas and thoughts with her daughter, the illustrator
  • her encounter with the academic, Maurice Druon in Paris
  • the profound and emotional connections experience throughout this journey of human discovery.


Un conte poétique mettant en scène la rencontre d'une petite fille et d'un oiseau. Leur dialogue invite à la réflexion et à la méditation sur la liberté, le courage, l'amour, la tendresse, etc. ©Electre 2025


Date de parution
15 décembre 2014
Romans français
Aurélia Jacques (Illustrateur), Patrick Chauvet (Collaborateur), Yves Duteil (Préfacier), Hans von Zinkernagel (Traducteur)
Nombre de pages
80 pages
Broché sous jaquette
14.0 cm x 21.0 cm x 0.6 cm