Global coaching for the whole being : your roadbook to successful coaching - Michel Giffard

Global coaching for the whole being : your roadbook to successful coaching

Michel Giffard , Céline Géara Thomas

VA Editions | septembre 2019
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

Global coaching for the whole being

Your roadbook to successful coaching

ln the near future, the need for human relationship as a counterweight to the influence of algorithms and digitization will be growing apace, as well as ail that sets us apart as humans, such as creativity, imagination, intuition, émotion, our unconscious and our ethical values.

Global coaching proves to be a very pertinent véhiculé and answer to accompany this transformation of people and organizations, raising awareness levels and responsibility, provided that :

  • the coaches comply with the strong belief that ail individuals carry within themselves the most effective responses to the issues they face and to the questions they ask themselves,
  • the coaches are trained in the rules of the art by recognized coaching schools, they are supervised and make regular use of a therapist, and they are aware of the risks of individual or collective manipulation,
  • the coachees are demanding towards themselves and towards their coach.

This roadbook provides guidance for both seasoned and beginner coaches, with insights into simplifying and deepening their professional practice, helping them focus on the most essential point, namely the quality and intensity of the relationship with their client.


Un guide en quatre étapes pour apprendre à coacher. Les auteurs définissent ce qu'est le coaching et ce qu'il n'est pas, expliquent en quoi il permet de développer le potentiel individuel et collectif, décrivent les postures et les outils nécessaires ou encore présentent les spécificités du coaching collectif. ©Electre 2025


Date de parution
12 septembre 2019
Gestion d'entreprise
Gilles Raymond (Préfacier)
Nombre de pages
378 pages
26.0 cm x 17.0 cm x 3.2 cm
714 g