The power of the emotional capital in education : executive functions, heutagogy and meditation-mindfulness - Bénédicte Gendron

The power of the emotional capital in education : executive functions, heutagogy and meditation-mindfulness

Bénédicte Gendron

Connaissances et savoirs | octobre 2018
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

The Power of The Emotional Capital in Education

The emotional capital (EK), this powerful functionning capital which was missing in economics measurement, is the capital driving heart, mind, soul and behaviours which could changes the world by changing ourselves. It's a three levels economics' concept (micro, meso and macro). Developed by Gendron in the early 2000s, the « Emotional Capital is the stock of the personal and social competencies that is inherent in the person, useful for personal, professional and organizational developments, and participates to social cohesion and has global and personal, economic and social returns ». Activating executive functions, the emotional capital is developed by active positive and collaborative pedagogy (heutagogy) and by practising mindfulness and meditation, bringing back the joy of learning by collaborative and creative learning, re-enchanting teaching. As a means of production, society contribution and personal developments, each additional investment in EK yields additional outputs at the three levels helping at performing better socially, economically and personally. In eudaimonic economics, the EK participates not only to the socio-economic growth but also to the society' cohesion and happiness as environmental concerns, underlying the relevance of education for the social and economic welfare, and the environmental protection. Thus, there is an emergency to invest in Emotional Capital to follow Mandela's mottos, to fulfill Sen's lifetime achievement and development as freedom and feed Gandhi's empowerment and emancipation, to allow a Better World.


Le concept de capital émotionnel fait référence à l'ensemble des compétences sociales et personnelles d'un individu, utiles dans tous les champs de l'activité humaine. L'auteure montre l'importance de ce concept dans le secteur de l'éducation et explique qu'il peut être développé grâce à une pédagogie positive et collaborative ainsi que par la pratique de la méditation et de la pleine conscience. ©Electre 2025


Date de parution
1 octobre 2018
Sciences humaines et sociales , Ressources humaines, éducation, emploi et entrepreneuriat
Nombre de pages
133 pages
20.0 cm x 14.0 cm x 0.8 cm
204 g