The fire station : Charleroi - Philippe Samyn

The fire station : Charleroi

Philippe Samyn , Alain Sabbe , Hugues Wilquin

Lannoo | décembre 2016
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

The fire station


This book looks back at the now-completed project for constructing the new fire station for the Charleroi Fire Brigade. All sketches, plans, drawings and diagrams illustrate the intense links existing between the architectural design and the building's functionality.

Designed for sustainability and top energy and environmental performance, the fire station's structures, the selected materials and their use, together with the design of the specific fire-fighting facilities and the project management quality, have all contributed to achieving a building making things as comfortable and harmonious as possible for on-duty firemen, as can be seen in the photos of the site and the series of photos of the building and its inhabitants taken by Brussels photographer Marie-Françoise Plissart.

The project was realised by the architectural and engineering firm, Philippe samyn and Partners.


Une présentation de l'histoire de la nouvelle caserne des pompiers de Charleroi. A travers des croquis, des plans, des photos, des dessins et des schémas, les auteurs évoquent les différentes étapes, depuis l'initiative du projet jusqu'à la construction du bâtiment : le cadre de vie, les choix énergétiques et environnementaux, les différents matériaux utilisés, etc. ©Electre 2024


Date de parution
20 décembre 2016
Architecture, urbanisme
Richard Lomax (Traducteur)
Nombre de pages
256 pages
31.0 cm x 23.0 cm x 2.5 cm
801 g