Rolex learning center : english guide - Francesco Della Casa

Rolex learning center : english guide

Francesco Della Casa , Jacques Perret

EPFL Press | mai 2012
15.67 €
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

The novel architectural form of this building, conceived of by the architects of SAANA (winners of the Pritzker Prize in 2010), compelled the building engineers to come up with unprecedented structural, technical and logistical solutions. And yet, once the Rolex Learning Center was complete, the ingenuity required for its construction had become practically invisible in the eyes of the uninitiated. This richly illustrated guide provides, in condensed form, an account of the extraordinary adventure of the realization of the Rolex Learning Center. It explains in detail the context of its construction and brings to light the spatial subtleties of its architecture. In addition, it provides the visitor of the building with all the needed technical information and many novel facts and figures.


Ouvrage présentant le Rolex learning center, édifié au coeur du campus de l'école polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne. Conçu par le bureau d'architectes japonais SANAA, ce bâtiment ondule sur près de 200 mètres. Ce guide illustré offre un aperçu commenté et pratique de l'ensemble du bâtiment. ©Electre 2024


Date de parution
23 mai 2012
Architecture, urbanisme
Alain Herzog (Photographe)
Nombre de pages
96 pages
12.0 cm x 18.0 cm x 0.7 cm
150 g