The green vision of Denis Sassou N'guesso facing a blind world in danger : the gospel of environmental management and sustainable development - Michel Innocent Peya

The green vision of Denis Sassou N'guesso facing a blind world in danger : the gospel of environmental management and sustainable development

Michel Innocent Peya

L'Harmattan | avril 2018
30.40 €
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

The green vision

Of Denis Sassou N'Guesso facing a blind world in danger

The author signs with this book another publication dedicated to the engagement of a man, Denis Sassou N'Guesso, President of Congo-Brazzaville. For many years he hasn't stopped warning the planet against dangers relating to the destruction of the environment and the climate change.

As a socio-visionary and climato-optimist leader, Denis Sassou N'Guesso struggles daily for a sustainable management of the ecosystem. He extols a green and inclusive world governance with the purpose to achieve for the benefit of the planet a transition and an ecological integration that preserve the Earth from destruction.

Michel Innocent Peya presents in this book on one side, the ecological and diplomatic marketing contained in the vision of Sassou N'Guesso, and shows on the other side, how the protection of the environment is an imperative condition to assure a better life quality to the future generations. It's also a necessity to expect a green Africa, a peaceful and confident world. For Denis Sassou N'Guesso, the environmental consciousness doesn't come from pressures, neither from some agreements but it is a matter of faith that imposes it self to countries. It's not a matter of parties with particular interests: be it the North, the South, the East or the West, the Center and less a question of government against its opposition.


Un ouvrage consacré à l'action militante du président du Congo-Brazzaville en faveur d'une gestion responsable de l'écosystème et d'une gouvernance mondiale verte et inclusive. ©Electre 2024


Date de parution
17 avril 2018
Nombre de pages
284 pages
24.0 cm x 16.0 cm x 1.5 cm
438 g