Nature's ultimatum : the stakes and prospects of the United States' urgent return to the climate battle - Michel Innocent Peya

Nature's ultimatum : the stakes and prospects of the United States' urgent return to the climate battle

Michel Innocent Peya

L'Harmattan | janvier 2022
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

In this book, Michel Innocent Peya focuses on « climate finance » and the withdrawal and return of the world's leading power, the United States, in the battle against climate change, by assessing its real financial impact in order to fight collectively against the ultimatum given by nature. The States are determined to take up the challenge and assume their responsibilities, as the Biden administration has done, in order to wage the « people's battle » against global warming and the perils that it may cause in the medium term.

A vibrant appeal is launched to all the world's decision-makers as well as to state and non-state actors, because the establishment of a state of national (by conscientious and responsible states) or even global (by the United Nations) climate emergency requires the abandonment of the paradigm of global warming and the adoption of the paradigm of climate crisis, but also and above all, the penalization of the denial of change or climate denial.

As the years go by, the planet is experiencing rising temperatures and precipitation is constantly increasing. These are the results of a multiform pollution that threatens the existence of nations. Our beautiful nature is being devastated by greenhouse gas emissions and ever-increasing waste. The few world powers, those that can be qualified as major polluters, are few in number but threaten the balance of our system to the detriment of collective well-being.

What will become of our planet, our environment, if the community of polluters continues to refuse to take its responsibilities ? Our forests are being devastated, our animals are disappearing, the eternal ice is melting, causing the waters to rise. But the greatest threat today remains the emission of greenhouse gases, which are not only causing global warming, but the global climate crisis. The polluting States in their economic wars have always been able to make the greatest sacrifices, but today, when it is necessary to repair, they do not seem inclined to take their full responsibilities.

Nature cannot defend itself alone, it has given us an ultimatum, the States must answer the call for this battle which will be the battle of the peoples. We believe that the United States will be a leader in this coalition of states to save our environment. The future of future generations is at stake and we believe that our leaders must be prepared to make every sacrifice.

With colossal financial means, we can quickly build a city, skyscrapers, monuments, but we cannot recreate forests in a few months. Forests are essential to the survival of humans because they provide the air that allows them to live and prosper. Air has no borders and must not be poisoned, and it is not specific to different continents. There is no European, African, Asian, American or Oceanic air. The collective conscience of humanity is necessary. Nature must be preserved for present and future generations.


Une réflexion sur le retour des Etats-Unis dans la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique à travers l'analyse de son impact financier. L'auteur plaide pour une pénalisation du déni du changement ou du négationnisme climatique et souhaite responsabiliser financièrement les Etats pollueurs. ©Electre 2024


Date de parution
14 janvier 2022
Problèmes et services sociaux
Nombre de pages
318 pages
22.0 cm x 14.0 cm x 1.7 cm
386 g