Rodin, hell and paradise : sculptor's drawings - Claudie Judrin

Rodin, hell and paradise : sculptor's drawings

Claudie Judrin

Musée Rodin | mars 2002
18.53 €
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Paris VIᵉ, Paris VIIIᵉ, Paris XVIIᵉ, Paris Vᵉ
Versailles, Lyon 2ᵉ, Lyon 6ᵉ...
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

Rodin is an immense graphic artist. With almost 10,000 drawings made during his whole life, it is an enormous work which is analyzed here by subject, confirming all the vitality and modernity of Rodin.

From the portrait to the cut-outs, from the Antiquity to modern dance, this book proves the originality of a sculptor's drawing and presents its numerous facets.

Sculptor's drawings are a constant concern about space and movement. It is the use of colour to represent volumes, pencil strokes to throw into relief the inked surfaces. Rodin is going to improve this practice up to still unexplored points, with cut-outs which prefigure Matisse, by the exploration of the female model up to its barest and most turbulent intimacy.

From Les Fleurs du Mal to the Cambodian Dancers, the synthesis is admirable, the reading is clear : "Hell and Paradise" is the first book which recounts the career of this graphic artist and which gives it back its cohesion, its importance.


Du portrait aux découpages, de l'Antiquité à la danse moderne, ce livre montre l'originalité d'un dessin de sculpteur et en présente les multiples facettes. Il utilise la couleur pour figer des volumes, le trait au crayon pour mettre en relief les surfaces encrées. Un dessin pouvant être encadré, tiré sur papier artisanal, est inséré. ©Electre 2025


Date de parution
11 mars 2002
Tout l'oeuvre
Beaux livres
Nombre de pages
79 pages
28.0 cm x 22.0 cm x cm
500 g