Homage to humanity
Jimmy Nelson
Versailles, Lyon 2ᵉ, Lyon 6ᵉ...
Ce que dit l'éditeurIn Homage to Humanity, photographer Jimmy Nelson takes you on a new and extraordinary journey, visiting indigenous communities dotted across five continents. His iconic, intimate and spectacular images from each destination are accompanied by travel journals, maps, local facts, and personal interviews with some of the people portrayed. Join Jimmy Nelson on an odyssey that takes him to some of the planet's most remote and beautiful places, home to many vibrant, thriving but sometimes fragile cultures. We hope this book will be a catalyst for a meaningful discussion about all our futures. Download the companion app and explore To accompany Homage to Humanity, Jimmy Nelson and his team have created a companion mobile app. It is a remarkable record of their journeys on a state-of-the-art platform, with immersive 360 films, behind-the-scenes footage, storytelling and more. Each image in this book has hidden, digital layers. Go even deeper into Jimmy Nelson's photographs with exciting additional material that will bring you new insights into his work, and new perspectives on the lives of the people he visited. |
RésuméDe l'Inde au Soudan, en passant par la Polynésie française, le Bhoutan, la Mongolie, la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, Vanuatu ou la Sibérie, des photographies qui témoignent de la richesse et de la fierté de 34 cultures indigènes isolées. Les images sont enrichies par des dialogues entre le photographe et les autochtones. Une application pour mobile permet d'accéder à des contenus supplémentaires. ©Electre 2024 |
Caractéristiques Auteur(s) Éditeur(s) Date de parution
17 octobre 2018
Beaux livres sciences humaines
Contributeur(s) Donna Karan
(Préfacier), Mundiya Kepanga
(Préfacier) EAN
Nombre de pages
cm x
cm x