Joint guided artillery dictionary & CBRN dictionary : English-French. Vol. 2. Drones, missiles, space, GPS, chemical biological, radiological and nuclear - Jean-Claude Laloire

Joint guided artillery dictionary & CBRN dictionary : English-French. Vol. 2. Drones, missiles, space, GPS, chemical biological, radiological and nuclear

Jean-Claude Laloire

L'Harmattan | décembre 2019
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

Joint guided artillery dictionary
Drones, missiles, space, GPS

& CBRN dictionary
Chemical Biological, Radiological and Nuclear

Book 2


This bilingual dictionary is the second book of a series of three books dealing with artillery and its environment, both within a joint framework, and within the framework of a specific Service. II includes the various aspects of guided artillery, drones and missiles in a land environment, and in a naval environment, as well as missiles in air and space environments.

As regards artillery, this terminology includes what is useful to operate within a national framework and within an international framework (coalitions, NATO) within an ever-increasing global environment.

This dictionary includes more than 4,000 words and phrases in English and in French. It also includes about 2,300 English acronyms and 380 French ones.


Ce dictionnaire bilingue est consacré au thème de l'artillerie guidée et son environnement, dans un cadre interarmées ou spécifique d'armée. Il inclut des terminologies dans les trois environnements militaires : terrestre, naval et aérien. Il contient plus de 4.000 mots et expressions, ainsi que 2.300 acronymes anglais et 380 français. ©Electre 2024


Date de parution
3 décembre 2019
Science militaire
François Lecointre (Préfacier)
Nombre de pages
368 pages
24.0 cm x 16.0 cm x 2.0 cm
577 g